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Reducing emissions from peatlands under REDD, WI Workshop in Cancun, Mexico, COP16 at Climate Summit, 2.12.2010

Reducing emissions from peatlands under REDD
Thursday 2 December, 11.30 – 13.00
Venue: Monarca – Cancun Messe

Experts present their views on how emissions reductions from peatlands can be achieved under REDD. The event also provides insight in recent developments with regard to methodological guidance for estimating and reporting peat emissions.


• Introduction: Susanna Tol - Wetlands International
• Faizal Parish, Global Environment Centre/ASEAN Peatland Forests Project: ASEAN views on peatlands, REDD and carbon financing
• Daniel Murdiyarso, CIFOR: Removing technical barriers to include tropical peatlands in the REDD+ mechanism
• Hans Joosten, Greifswald University: Methodological discussions and conclusions from IPCC expert meeting on wetlands

• Questions & Answers

More information:
Wetlands International, Susanna Tol