
  • Our projects

    Large areas of globally important tropical peatland in Southeast Asia are under threat from land clearance, degradation and fire jeopardising their natural functions as reservoirs of biodiversity, carbon stores and hydrological buffers. Local research capability will be strengthened enabling peatland managers to better understand and address the different, interrelated processes operating in tropical peatlands.



Three Ortho-Photo-Mosaiks taken with high-resolution Hasselblad camera on 6. August 2011 at transmigration village Kuala


From the approx. 420 available RGB-Photos we processed 3 tracks to Ortho-Photo-Mosaiks with 8cm respectively 10cm resolution which can be visualise with ArcGis SW.The Ortho-Photo-Mosaiks of the 3 tracks was superimposed with a calculated DEM. The survey was performed for Prof. Amano, Faculty of Human Science, Waseda UNI, Japan

Survey with a Hasselblad 39 MP camera at the transmigration village Kuala and back along the illegal logging channel at WWF, Sabangau area, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Ortho-Photo mosaik along the Kuala channel with 52 tiles and a grid of 1000m x 1000m starting from river Sabangau 

RGB-Photo with original pixel size of 8cm x 8cm from black-water river Sabangau and entrance of Kuala Channel

RGB-Photo of transmigration village Kuala with mosque

RGB-Photo of the Peat Swamp Forest status at the upper part of the flight track behind the end of the channel