lidar technologies

  • Lidar technologies

    We measure distances by illuminating a target with a laser and analyze the reflected light.



Airborne Laser Scanning measurements in Central Kalimantan of Lake Batu to achieve high-resolution Digital Elevation Models of Tropical Peatlands; 12-2008

              Airborne Laser Scanning Data as DTM without trees and a profil, processed 12-2008

Boehm-KC-ALS-Kahayan Lake Batu-09-12-2008.pdf

Flood Simulation of river Kahayan and Lake Batu north of Palangkaraya
Viktor Boehm and Juergen Frank

Corrected ALS (geo-coded) raw data are available from several helicopter flights of Sebangau and of Ex-MRP area. The calibration flight track 88 confirmed the 25.0m altitude for PKY airport. Even other flights on other days had the same elevation value of 25.0m for PKY airport.

The calibration flight track 88 confirmed the 25.0m altitude for PKY airport. Even other flights on other days had the same elevation value of 25.0m for PKY airport.
The ALS is penetrating the PSF, which shows the very good results of the DTMs. Manual analysis of the ALS data show a similar result compared to the automatic SW-analysis.
The visualisation of three dimensional data is not so easy and needs specific SW and skills of the operator. Tracks from the ALS flights are available of Sebangau and EX-MRP to be analysed.

Precise ALS-data with +/-0.5m resolution in x and y and +/-0.15m in z (elevation) were recorded
for analysis's of PSF-bio mass estimation, topographical and hydrological.
With the processed DSMs and DTMs the tree height can be determined very quickly by subtraction.
Filtering/Classification was done automatically with manual controls.

The ALS is penetrating the PSF, which shows the very good results of the DTMs.
Manual analysis of the ALS data show a similar result compared to the automatic SW-analysis.
The visualisation of three dimensional data is not so easy and needs specific SW and skills of the operator. Tracks from the ALS flights are available of Sebangau and EX-MRP to be analysed.

The ALS campaign in August 2007 of the Sabangau and Ex-MRP area was a success.
The laser beam in the near infra-red could penetrate the PSF with the divergence of 0.5mrad.
No interrupts of the ALS with 100,000 pulses per second, INS and other measuring devices occurred during the complete all HC-flights. Big Peat Layers are accumulated in Central Kalimantan between the rivers in the low altitude near to the Java Sea with up to 12m thickness (UNPAR) in the Ex-Mega Rice Project (Ex-MRP) and in Sebangau National Park.
A lot of carbon is stored in Central Kalimantan; emission of these carbon will contribute to climate change. Degraded Peatlands without trees are sensitive for burning in the dry season; e.g. 1994, 1997, 2002, 2006.

The water-level should be kept high in the peat area of Sebangau National Park and Ex-MRP by blocking of many channels with different sizes and the area should be replanted with forests, to avoid fires.