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    kalteng remote sensing shows trends in environments like Kalimantan.


remote sensing

Ortho-Photo Mosaik from Kecamatan Bukit Batu, Tangkiling Granite Hills, 4-2009 (acquired 8.8.2007)

The following study describes the actual environmental situation of the Kecamatan Bukit Batu with its eco-system and existing communities. Furthermore possible impacts of the project caused by the measurements of the projects, positive and negative, will be discussed. The poor are the most exposed to a degraded environment and are the first to suffer from ill health caused by polluted air, water and soil. Thus protecting the environment is important in the fight against poverty. More often than the rich, the poor depend directly on natural resources. They are the first to lose their source of food and income if these sources are degraded. Furthermore environment, mainly in development countries, is under attack of unsmooth developing globalization. Trade liberalization is under attack from many fronts, often on environmental and social grounds. These concerns will need to be addressed convincingly if developing countries are to be integrated into the world economy. Often this can be achieved by supporting environmental protection and capacity building in these countries. Regarding the income situation of the poor, low cost solutions for environmental protection have to be found.

These environment-targeted actions can reduce capital and recurrent costs in production, generate incomes from waste management and recycling schemes, and reduce expenditure on environment-related health problems. Figure above shows the central role of sustainable development regarding economical, social and environmental aspects. Attached are some Maps, Figures and Tables of work, which has been processed for this Kecamatan Bukit Batu sustainable Development- and EIA-study. New is the large Ortho-Photo-Mosaik from Bukit Batu (4km x 9km, 20000 x 45000 pixel) with high pixel resolution (0.2m x 0.2m per pixel). The ortho-photo-mosaik methodology will be discribed in the attached article. April 2009

By Viktor Boehm, Leo Grafil and Alvand Miraliakbari
Introduction for Bukit Batu spatial information